Reports on the Transition of the USA from Democracy to Oligarchy May Be Premature

Voters in Ohio rejected efforts to curb collective bargaining rights by a big margin handing Governor Kasich a big defeat.

Voters in Mississippi said no, every sperm is not sacred by an unexpectedly wide margin.

Down Easters in Maine voted to keep their 38 year old same day voter registration law handing their Teabag governor a big defeat.

State Senator Russell Pearce, architect of Arizona's immigration law, was recalled by the voters, defeated by a Republican moderate.

It was a good night for gay kids. Lotsa gay boys and girls got elected last night. Houston voted to keep their lesbian mayor. Holyoke Massachusetts elected a 22 year old gay mayor. The Dems hung on to the Iowa State Senate defeating any chance for same sex marriage repeal this session.

No On Marriage and The Family Research Council had a very bad night at the polls, Thank God.

Plutocracy and its favorite weapon, divide et impera, had a very bad night. Good!


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