Prayer in Liberty Plaza, Pictures

There is an interfaith prayer service down at Liberty Plaza every Sunday at 3:30. David Kaplan and I have been going regularly, and today I finally remembered my camera. As might be expected after 4 weeks, the numbers are dwindling for this service. Kaplan and I just about qualify for "hard core" for this service. In the beginning, we had everything from rabbis to Buddhist monks to Franciscans. Today, we just had a handful of clergy.

I wasn't feeling my best today. I had a bad night of insomnia the previous night. I originally planned to do church and this, but I just couldn't do both today, so I went to Liberty Plaza for church.

Flags at the Plaza

Tents, contrary to regulations and the mayor's wishes, now spring up in the park. In the foreground is the camp library.

The prayer service begins with a Methodist minister who has been there every Sunday. To the left is a Unitarian minister. The minister on the right is from the Shalom Church which I'm not familiar with.

An Episcopal priest from Brooklyn addresses the crowd.

Some people in the crowd, dirty drug crazed hippies all.

"Welcome to the Gates of Heaven!"

A gesture of solidarity from the ironworkers building WTC #4, a sign facing Liberty Plaza.

If there's anyone in the New York area, or visiting, who'd like to participate in an Occupy event, this one meets regularly on Sundays at 3:30 near the corner of Broadway and Liberty street.